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Monday, June 10, 2024

Radio ratings less reliable than political polling

Radio ratings are worthless.  They really are!

The number of listeners measured by radio ratings leader are insignificant.  It claims to be scientific, but the sample sizes are so small that they can't accurately reflect who's really listening.  

So we tell our advertisers something simple.  Do you REALLY care about how many people listen?  Or do you care about how many people come into your business from advertising?  

Our late CEO Fred Weinberg carried off quite the stunt back in 1985.  In Tulsa, his station KELI offered $14.30 to each person who surrendered his or her Arbitron diary to the station. Listeners also were asked to write in “KELI” on every line on these surrendered diaries. KELI, which is not an Arbitron subscriber (even though its ratings are included in Arbitron’s listings), promised to send the completed diaries to Arbitron.

What happened?  Read on past the break...

They lost favor in the 1960's, but everyone remembers their outdoor ads!

 Outdoor advertising today is pretty much a vast wasteland.