Relax! Listen to Classic Radio Theater!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Liars figure.....
I heard from a person I consider a reputable source this morning that I had been FIRED from KELY when I left the station's employ last year.
I wasn't fired. I quit.
Don't believe me? Look at the piece that I wrote last year about my public statement about the format change. Look at what I wrote following my resignation to clarify misinformation about my departure at the time. If need be, I will publish my entire resignation letter on this blog. At this point, what have I got to lose?
I came in to KELY to take the radio station, make it important to the community, and apart from a paycheck, received zero support in the things that were important. Zero.
Now this town is without a voice. For now. The FCC on Friday made some moves toward a Low Power FM Service that could be wonderful. Just need a board and some money.
Let's talk. Seriously.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
The JAM song
There was a great KVIL Jingle...It's a shame what happened to radio...but it wasn't a JAM jingle....
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Forget Party Politics, let’s get back to doing the People’s Business!
The hue-and-cry over the Ron Paul supporters taking over the Nevada GOP is just ridiculous.
Is it the Paulites’ fault that the alleged mainstream GOP rank and file couldn’t be bothered with participating? I know that most conservatives actually, you know, work for a living? But still, if your party isn’t motivating the base enough for them to attend the caucuses that set policy and elect representatives, that tells me that your state party is as ineffective and impotent as many of the people you’ve elected over they last half-dozen years.
Let’s face it. A lot of people who believed in true constitutional reform and smaller government actually bought into the GOP line. It’s a line that has been proven inaccurate consistently since 2000. Government has grown in leaps and bounds, and since the current congress and president were elected, it has skyrocketed.
I’ll say it. Saying that Mitt Romney is a better presidential candidate than Barack Obama is like saying that you’d rather live next door to the Unabomber than Osama Bin Laden. Neither choice is a good one.
I will not recite the litany of good and bad points about both men. Suffice it to say that, paraphrasing either Max Lerner or Jery Garcia, the lesser of two evils is still evil.
My vote never gets cast with evil.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
New Podcast: Rediscovering Old Friends and Yourself
Friday, July 13, 2012
Long Lost friend is better at the blues than I am!
So instead of spending my two days off from work tearing into a shed that needs to be sorted and emptied and into the kitchen that needs emptying and pitching the clutter that has multiplied in the living room and finishing sorting so that I can call a local non-profit to have them come pick up the remnants, I go through the terrabyte of music on my hard drive looking for tracks to add to the audio stream at, voicetracking some, others just copying.
I don't remember which track it was, but it took me back to 1969. Emporia, Kansas. Maybe it was something posted on Facebook a few weeks ago that started sweeping the cobwebs of my old home town. My father, an over the road truck driver for the late Santa Fe Trail Transportation, found himself needing to move the family as all the routes out of Emporia were being abolished, and at twelve, I found myself leaving the only home I had ever known and moving to the big city.
Many of my friends promised to stay in touch. But twelve year olds have a lot more on their mind at that age than writing old friends. But two of them did. More than writing, the recorded a cassette tape. Now, mind you, when we think of recording a tape, it's usually some sort of letter or mixtape or songs recorded off the radio.
These two recorded music. Original music. Music they had written. For 12, it was amazing. Maybe I was just young, or lonely, or missing them badly, or just 12 year old hormones, but it was very professional and heartfelt and made me feel special. It stuck with me all these years.
I got back into Emporia one time after I got my drivers licence and had the chance to look up my old friends. Marty Jones was married with a baby, and Kelley Wade was performing a gig somewhere on my way back to Kansas City. Cool, I thought. Unfortunately I never found where the gig was -- Lebo, Williamsburg, somewhere along the way. Yes, I was badly scattered back then. I'm worse now. Age hasn't been kind.
So I contact my one friend from those days on Facebook, Nancy, and ask her if she's heard either of them.
Imagine my surprise to find out that the lovely pre-teen I knew as Kelley Wade was now the grown-up and still very lovely Kelley Hunt!
I. was. floored.
I spent hours -- hours -- HOURS -- listening, reliving, remembering, and making new memories with the music that can only be classified as Americana. Blues, Rock, Soul, and sweet sweet ballads, two of which I added to the Audio Stream from her 2011 album Gravity Loves You
Once I saw this picture above and heard that powerful voice I was transported back forty years -- FORTY YEARS -- to the last time I saw her and the last time I heard her music and realized that one of my best friends from years ago was living her dream.
What floored me even more was her response to my Facebook message.
Honored doesn't even begin to express how I feel this morning. Now to get some sleep.
I've always wondered how you were and what was happening in your! I do remember making a tape for you and I also remember just how talented, creative, and fun you were (and are!)
Or maybe I should break out the production tools. Maybe I need to create some fun things again.
I feel....inspired.
Thanks Kelley!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Reflecting on high points in 38 years of broadcasting.
While I never considered myself a sports broadcaster or sports journalist, it seems that local fans didn't care. I'm glad. I truly had a blast doing those games.
But my most fun was broadcasting two games from the State Finals for Basketball in Las Vegas.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
My health–or lack thereof—that almost killed me in 2005
NOTE: I often refer to the late Don Lemmon as the man who saved my life. Some of you have asked what he did. The following is the introduction that I wrote for a radio infomercial that aired on a few stations and also was the opening page of
From 2006 - the Pizzazz Magazine Interview with Wyatt!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Screw the caucuses, bring back Primaries!
If anything, I'm right there with the old pre-Buchanan Reform Party. Fiscally Conservative and Socially Libertarian. Once Pat Buchanan got involved, it became Neocon City....
But to the main reason for this rant -- the Nevada GOP Caucuses.
In a word, I hate Caucuses. It disenfranchises the electorate.
According to Secretary of State Ross Miller, there are 471 thousand registered Republicans in the state of Nevada.
On Saturday, just 30 thousand turned out for the caucuses. That's roughly 6 1/3 percent of registered voters.
Many were turned away because they weren't at the caucus sites at the appointed starting time of 9am. If you were held up in traffic, your sitter was late, or just couldn't get there by 9:00, turn around and go home, because you're not getting in.
Second, the balloting process is just as ridiculous. You mean to tell me that it took a day and a half to figure out what CNN had computed thirty seconds after the polls closed?
Let me tell the Nevada GOP Central Committee something. Here in Ely the city wraps up elections before the 11pm news. The city, with all it's flaws, can count 1000 to 1500 multi-race ballots (3-5 offices) in under three hours.
You had ONE RACE, and it took you longer than a day to figure it out? I would have assumed that you would have separated each precinct, had them counted at the precinct level, and spot checked your deputies.
But no. In a minor Twitter war between Las Vegas political activist Sally Minster who was counting ballots and LVRJ
But in the final analysis, the caucuses don't matter. Because the fix is in.
No matter how many primaries Ron Paul or Rick Santorum win, they will not be the nominee. The Neocons in charge of the Republican party just don't want a return to Constitutional gubmint.
And since it's Mitt Romney's "turn", and now with Newt wanting his "turn", the people who could possibly make real reform get squeezed out again.
...and once again, no real change.