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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ely Copper Mine to Close...again?

A weekend Reuters News Service story on the possible closure of Ely’s Robinson Nevada Copper Mine by Polish parent KGHM International caught a lot of people by surprise.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Voter's Washington Angst driving Trump, Carson numbers

Fred Weinberg's Penny Press this week will explain the angst among the voters as the reason why The Donald is leading the way in Repubican polling.  In short:  They're pissed off at the Washington Establishment.  I still wanna see Donald/Bernie.  And if not, then either Ben Carson or Carly would be fine with me.  Now if we could get like-minded, non Washington Elite Senators and Representatives then we would see true change in Washington.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015

Fun facts for the Chattering Class

*   This blog is not new.  It has been in existence before White Pine News was.  It's roots, in fact, go back to 2005 when I began writing for Fred Weinberg's Penny Press.  The first six years are lost to Go Daddy as their platform didn't allow exporting and given that most of it was contained in past issues of the Penny Press, I didn't bother.  (Note: I was hesitant to mention the Penny Press, since the last time it was mentioned, Fred got 37 signups for his e-blast, none of them were ever opened, and one person reported it as spam, despite their signing up for it and confirming it via email.  Go figure.)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Gary Owens RIP

The man who made "Beautiful Downtown Burbank" a national catchphrase passed away February 12th at the age of 80.

We'll miss you Gary