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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My health–or lack thereof—that almost killed me in 2005

NOTE: I often refer to the late Don Lemmon as the man who saved my life.  Some of you have asked what he did.  The following is the introduction that I wrote for a radio infomercial that aired on a few stations and also was the opening page of


Hi, I'm Wyatt Cox. For more than 30 years I've been on the air hosting news and talk programs from coast to coast, including my currently syndicated morning show, American Sunrise.

2005 has been one of the most dramatic years in my life, with two hospitalizations, four serious illnesses, and a life-changing experience that I want to tell you about today. Get a piece of paper and pen ready to write down some important information.

Radio is not an active's what we call sedentary. That, combined with my love of things like prime rib and soft drinks guaranteed a ballooning waistline.
In 2004 I hit my high of 320 pounds and size 56 pants. In late 2004 I was diagnosed with diabetes and a 2.6 centimeter kidney stone. During the recovery I dropped to 280 pounds but kept the 56 inch waist. Lots of walking brought my weight down to 272, but still was taking medication daily for diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

I'll never forget March 17, 2005. I spent 24 hours in urgent care with fevers to 104 and severe leg swelling that was eventually diagnosed as Cellulitis, a severe infection of the skin that had settled into my leg.
I was hospitalized for four days and wasn't able to return to full work for six weeks. During this illness I went back up to 282 pounds... I was losing patience, and the final straw was in May, when the cellulitis returned. I decided enough was enough.

Enter Nutritionist Don Lemmon.

I met Don through his wife, actress and cyber-geek Asia Carrera, whom I interviewed in 1999. Don invited me to be a part of a transformation group he was conducting.
Knowing that I had nothing to lose, I agreed to be a part of the program. To sum it up, in nine weeks, from Memorial day to August first, I went from 272 pounds to 250 pounds, and from a size 56 waist to a size 46 waist. My doctor has taken me off my cholestrol medicine, reduced my blood pressure and diabetes medicine, and marveled at my success. As of Labor day, 2005, I weigh 235 pounds, wear size 44 pants, and feel better than ever. Oh, the cellulitis has tried coming back, but now no hospitalization, just a minor dose of antibiotics has controlled it.

I owe my health, and possibly my life, to Don Lemmon and his know-how program. Now my results may not be typical, and your mileage may vary, but I firmly believe that anyone can look better and feel better by adopting Don Lemmon's Know how lifestyle. It's not another diet program, it's a healthy way of life. And I'm not alone.....

The tale of the tape:
January 1, 2005 - 315 pounds, 56 inch waist
May 30, 2005 - 272 pounds, 54 inch waist
July 29, 2005 - 250 pounds, 47 inch waist
September 9, 2005 - 231 pounds, 44 inch waist
September 23, 2005 - 225 pounds, 42 inch waist
November 21, 2005 - 215 pounds, 40 inch waist

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